Title: An Introduction to Epic Story Creation Series
Number of Presentations: 4
Length of Each Presentation: 60 minutes
Description: "Do you have an incredible idea that would make a fantastic novel, comic book, or film series? Attend this sequence of informationals and learn how to craft your idea into an epic series.”
Series Breakdown
● Guiding Principles For Epic Storytelling– This workshop covers:
o Using theme, purpose, and expectation to clearly state the story’s narrative.
● Character Relationships in Epic Storytelling– This workshop covers:
o Why crafting key characters (protagonist, antagonist, foils) specifically from the Guiding Principles is important.
● Building Conflict in Epic Storytelling- This workshop covers:
o How to designing organic conflict
● Designing Blueprints for Epic Storytelling- This workshop covers:
o How emotional continuity serves storytelling.
Partner Benefits: This series of presentations provide great opportunities for:
Brand Recognition - This series will raise the awareness of the business, setting the stage for additional customers and business partners.
Building Community - This series will create a space for people of common interest to gather and network.
Additional Online Resources - There are worksheets and online content available for directed self-study post presentation.
Workshop Series Fee: Online Informationals are free. Pricing for In-Person Informationals is dependent on expected attendees. Large group and educational partnership discounts available). Click here for booking.